Talk With Alex
My Writing Services

Here is some more info about what I do. If you have lingering questions, please contact me to learn more.

Law Firm Website Copywriting

How Can I Help?

My law firm website copy has two clear goals - to inform potential clients about your services and convince them to reach out to your firm. This isn't accomplished by filling up content sections with legalese. Visitors to your website need their questions answered in a way that is simple to understand yet leaves them satisfied and willing to take the next step.

I involve you in the writing process by providing a short questionnaire - something that can give me a feel for who you are and what your firm represents. People don't want to read a copy-and-paste section that sounds identical to every law firm in the area. They want to hear what you have to say.

Types of Law Firms I Have Helped

  • Family Law Firms
  • Immigration Law Firms
  • Criminal Law Firms
  • and many more!

Legal Blogs

How Can I Help?

A website's blog or article section is a content-producing machine. You are unlikely to have reasons to update your Home Page on a weekly basis, but blogs are the perfect way to give readers and search engines more content.

High-quality written content that answers reader's questions is what search engines are looking for in 2024. I write every blog with search engine optimization in mind and can work with an existing SEO team to produce new weekly pieces. Or, I can take on the task of singlehandedly reviving a long-dead law blog.

Types of Legal Blogs I Have Created

  • Family Law Blogs
  • Personal Injury Blogs
  • Immigration Blogs
  • Criminal Defense Blogs
  • Foreclosure Defense Blogs
  • Bankruptcy Blogs
  • and many more!

Copywriting For Any Business

How Can I Help?

Don't be fooled - I write for more than just law firms! Engaging website copy and informative weekly blogs are effective for any industry that relies on local support, repeat customers, and a satisfied clientele.

No matter what your business is, your potential clients want to know that you are different from the competition. For many, this determination will happen when they first visit your site and start reading. Don't leave a bad first impression - you never know how many clients are writing you off.

Types of Businesses I Have Helped

  • Contractors
  • Restaurants
  • Insurance Agencies
  • IT Companies
  • Tourism Agencies
  • Financial Institutions
  • and many more!

Ready to get started? Let me
know how I can help!

Contact Me