Talk With Alex

“One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.”

Jack Kerouac American Novelist

Alex Brassil 727-603-4409 Email Preferred
  • 25 Years on Earth
    (and counting)
  • Nearly 1 Million Words Written in 2023
  • 1 Cat

Learn More About Alex

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    I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Statistics from the University of Central Florida, with a minor in Computer Science.

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    Through an internship at a digital marketing agency, I gained experience in online content writing prior to graduation - ultimately culminating in my decision to continue this career after college.

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    I am fascinated by all things computer. When I wanted a new website (the one you are currently visiting), I sat down and learned how to code sites through HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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    전 어릴때부터 언어에 관심에 있었는데 대학때 한국말을 결국에 배우기 시작했어요!
    이 서체가 더 비슷하게 보였으면 좋겠어요...

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    I have a cat named Isis, who you have probably noticed on this site already. She hates all humans except me, so we have grown close over the years out of necessity.

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    I enjoy a lot of music genres that others tend to dislike. Particularly, I love 'Anglophone' folk music - traditional music from the USA, UK, Australia, and wider English-speaking world. The Irish Rovers are fantastic.

Ready to get started? Let me
know how I can help!

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